I am Sara. | Making a custom MMS server
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Making a custom MMS server

Playing with https://github.com/Twilio-org/rapid-response-kit as a MMS gateway.

Spun up a cloud server in less than 5 minutes using Digitalocean.com LAMP. We both get $10 in credit if you sign up using my link. That is two months for FREE. I use the $5/month droplet for my existing SMS servers and it works just fine for a small office.

apt-get update
apt install python-pip
pip install --upgrade pip
apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv
      #install Virtual Environments

pip3 install virtualenvwrapper      #install Virtual Environments wrapper
virtualenv rapidresponse      #create virtual environment called “rapidresponse”

## if Python 3 is needed, use virtualenv -p python3 rapidresponse

source rapidresponse/bin/activate #activate virtual enviroment called rapidresponse
git clone https://github.com/Twilio-org/rapid-response-kit #download the twilio rapid response project
cd rapid-response-project

make install failed with syntax error on colored.red
The installer did not like some of the code in install.py and I had to edit it to make it work, using this code:
nano install.py Arrow over to then delete both occurrences of where it says colored.red, leave all else. Use Control-X to exit, save changes.
make install failed again on name ‘raw_input’ is not defined, recipe for target ‘install’ failed
#directly edited my SID and auth token into install.py
make installfailed with VlaueError: must have exactly one of create/read/write/append mode
Changed RW to R via nano
make install failed again
Hard coded NO to Would you like to enter more credentials, line 31 (I believe) nano install.py
make install Success!

make debug to start the server… But it errored.
AttributeError: ‘function’ object has no attribute ‘func_name’


It seems as though I am using a newer version of Python in my virtual environment, and an older version is what is supported… Exiting virtual environment using the deactivate command.


More to come later – this is all I have time for.